I feel that the present grading system is not effective in evaluating a person’s qualifications. Grades act against the main purpose of learning. Grades focus one’s all attention on tests. Academic success is no longer measured in terms of knowledge but in grade points. Students hardly retain the knowledge after the final exam as only the points scored in it counts. Grades, hence, prevent from enriching one’s mind.
It’s not grade that keeps one going. It is a disbelief that one would never volunteer to undergo the misery to learn the topics one is least interested in. Learning happens when one has the desire to know new things for his own self. One does not need grades to learn to walk, talk, drive, dance etc. One hangs on to these with his life but loses hold of the very subjects on which he is graded. I would like to use a very appropriate and interesting metaphor to support my point. Compare grades to a game of cards. Just as one starts a new round after shuffling the previous cards, one starts a new term and hardly retains anything from his pervious terms.
Therefore I believe that true knowledge does not take place in class. But instead
it can achieved through conversing with the intellectuals and scholars about something that fascinates you the most.